Erciyas Holding Executive Chairman Emre Erciyas said, “We cooperate with multiple Hyperloop companies and collaborations around the world.”

Erciyas Holding continues their interest in the Hyperloop project brought to the agenda by Elon Musk.

Emre Erciyas, Chairman of the Executive Board of Erciyas Holding, emphasized that the group achieved a revenue of 390 million pieces in 2023 and its export revenue increased to 280 million in two years.

Erciyas Steel Pipe is involved in projects such as Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (TANAP), Salt Lake natural gas storage projects and Melen drinking water transmission line.

“We cooperate with multiple Hyperloop companies and organizations around the world,” Erciyas said. Hyperloop, brought to the agenda by Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk in 2013, is a transportation concept that envisions carrying cargo and passengers up to 1200 kilometers per hour in a frictionless and vacuum environment.

In line with its growth target in the railway sector, the holding plans to add different rail system products such as bogies (an important part for the contact and safe movement of railway wagons with the rails) to its portfolio, in addition to the production of tank and container transport wagons.

Erciyas stated that they will implement a major investment to increase the current production capacity. It is aimed to increase operational efficiency by combining the production facilities in Sakarya and Sivas at a single point. Erciyas Rail plans to reach an annual production capacity of 3 thousand wagons with the new investment in Kayseri Free Zone.